Monday, June 4, 2007


Well here I am again! I am dizzy.....I may have gotten to much sun yesterday! This past weekend was Gay Pride. I have a few good friends that are gay, so I supported them. My friend Harry and Karl marched in the parade, so I cheered them on from the sidelines. It was just so hot yesterday!!!! The parade lasted one and half hours and then we were at the festival for the next three hours. UGH!!! The parade and festival were a lot of fun! It was my first pride, and I am glad I was there to support my friends!!
We had a graduation party for my brother, and cousins. There were four, in our families, that graduated highschool this year! The BBQ was nice. Perfect weather that evening, definately a cool down since that day.
Lets see what else? Oh yes my good friend Crystil the Pistol, just got married saturday. She looked absolutely stunning. We gave her a big tease about her wedding night. She was really nervous.....I wonder how it turned out.
well thats it for now!


1 comment:

Heidi and Caleb Sims said...

We could have had lunch this past weekend. We were in San Fran last friday for a construction convention(father in law is a general contracter). I didn't know the gay parade was also this past weekend. I heard those things are rather interesting. I would only go to something like that out of curiosity, but that was nice you went to support your friends. As usual it was really cold in the morning!
We were also engaged in Sasilito! Have youi ever been there? It is literally right next to San Fran. It's a tourist place