Sunday, April 20, 2008


Hey Everyone!!!!

I'm getting ready to head off to California. A little birthday treat from myself. I will be in LA taking as many dance classes as possible. So if you have any suggestions on any good restaurants, clubs, shows, ect ect, please let me know. I haven't been to LA for about a year so it would be nice to have a few suggestions.

Happy Birthday to me......(in a couple weeks that is!)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So our little incident with the moms and dancers......the mom who reprimanded the other dancer, called the other mom and apologized....said she over reacted.

the story actually has more but it just takes to long to type...if you want to hear it, i'm sure i'll see you and we can chit chat about i'm glad thats over. My brain hurts from it! thanks for the suggestions everyone that posted and emailed me!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The Wheels on the Bus

The Wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round
round and round
the wheels on the bus go round and round
all thru the town

Monday, April 14, 2008


I had an incident with a 7 year old dancer and another dancers mother.

We'll call one mom Sarah and her daughter Jane
the other we'll call Deb and daughter Mary
Both girls are 7 years old

Both girls, Mary and Jane are having a good time at a dance convention. Mary can be a little brat sometimes, but come one what 7 year old can't right?!

On the way home Sarah (jane's mom), has an outburst on 7 year old Mary. Telling mary how mad she was at her for treating her own daughter jane poorly. Sarah also told Mary that she does not want her to talk to Jane again, to basically stay away from her. Also telling Deb, that many other mothers have a problem with Mary. Deb had no idea how bad it was or if it was thrown out of proportion.

I think it was VERY inappropriate for Sarah, an adult, to lash out at a child who is 7 years old. I don't know why she didn't talk to Deb in private. and in reality what child, is not a little rude or snotty to others, and of course its no excuse, but children need to be constantly reminded. they are just children and they make mistakes.

So my question to you, my family and friends......

Who do we ask to leave. We cannot have the contention at the studio. So one or the other will need to be asked to leave.
Do we keep Sarah and Jane, and risk the possibility of losing more students, if Sarah has another outburst on another child that maybe said something mean to Jane, or do we keep Deb and Mary and continuously help Mary be a little more polite?


Thursday, April 10, 2008

And We're Back!

So I haven't blogged in a bit, so I thought I'd write something. Its been crazy busy with competition. A Couple weeks ago I went to St. George for competition, the weather was BEAUTIFUL. Its been so busy, with rehearsal going til 9:30 or 10pm every night. I was terribly ill last night probably due to all the runnign around and stress and not enough sleep, and not to mention some dancers have been ill lately. Probably got somethign from them too! But I will have you all know that I am feeling much better today, not fully recovered but close! Nothing new in my life, just work work work trying to pay the bills.

See Ya!