Sunday, July 15, 2007


Here they are friends. Pictures of my Minnesota vacation! It was a lot of fun!!! I look pretty awful in these pictures, but I was on a lake for most of the vacation so....BACK OFF!!!! I think the most amuzing thing was the very small plane. I had to laugh because it was really small, and I actually had to walk outside and onto the plane. It is obvious that I do not ever travel to small towns by plane! I also was able to ride on a Manta Ray. Basically it is a giant kite that is towed behind a boat. I only crashed into the water once. The other times, my legs were flailing in the air as I clung onto the handles for dear life. It was a blast. If you don't know what a Manta Ray is (I didn't know until I saw a video), click on the link and check it out. These proffessionals get really high! its incredible. I didn't go that high. The Lake was absolutely beautiful, and I was able to watch fireworks on a boat in the middle of the lake. It was fantastic!
Well that will probaby be the last "big" vacation I take for a while. Hopefully before December of this year, I will be back in MN, CA, and MI. I won't be there long just for a weekend at a time. So nothing to crazy! Oh yes and of course Idaho. anyway, there it is! Hope you Enjoy!

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1 comment:

Emma said...

Yay for Minnesota! Isn't it beautiful here?! I'm glad you had a good time! So I never asked, any ticks? ;)