Monday, January 7, 2008


Well, I haven't blogged for a while once again.....and I haven't put up pictures. I am sorry to those who have checked my blog and have found nothing new. Sorry, I will work on the pictures. I have a lot to put up, just haven't had nor made the time to do it! No worries though, I will get on it (don't get your hopes up, it may take a while)
Nothing to crazy happnening in my life. Today will be the first day back to dance since the break. So back to crazy, busy time. Competions will start the first week of February and I have so much to get done!!
Been playing guitar hero with my older brother, (yes we like it!) and we have been able to get my mother to play it twice already!!!
Well I guess thats it for now.....

Until next time!

1 comment:

Emma said...

Glad to see you're back friend! Sounds like you had a good holiday season.
So when are you going to dance for SYTYCD?