Saturday, August 7, 2010


Ok Guess its time to update.
lets see...
It's been a great summer so far. Dance is starting up again....WHY oh life is crazy busy. My boss had twins. We hired new amazing teachers. I've been doing Zumba to get my abs and butt sexy for sonoma. I am going to Sonoma with my girlfriends, at the end of this month. We'll be doing a lot of wine tours.
I just woke up from a dream, and my mom was in it. also in my dream my dog was humping my leg and i did not have the strength to get him off. You know those dreams where you want to run or scream but you can't, well it was kind of like that, only I couldn't get my humping dog off my leg. By the way, i got my dog in february, he is a japanese chin and he is about the cutest thing ever. He weighs 3lbs so far and it makes me sad because he is so independent. I named him Ramses (you know, like the ten commandments)
I'm going to be a hair model on monday. Not so sure what that intels. But I havee to look nice.
I've taken on the duties of cleaning the studio. It is disgusting....i don't think it was cleaned properly. (and jessica or corie, if you are reading this, sorry....but its still pretty gross) I am going to paint my studio room a metallic grey because I think that would be really awesome.
WE finally got rid of the ugly brown and pink decor in the office YAHOO!!!!
My dancers are so beautiful, I love them so much and I love the parents too.
i still haven't taken down my christmas tree, but no need to now, since christmas is only 5 months away.
i guess that is it for now.....i'm sure i have more but gotta run to the studio to clean!

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