Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Ever had anyone tell you your eye sight sucks?
I'm at the DMV awaiting my turn.....number C222....every other number is being called, and I wait and wait and wait. After two hours of waiting (patiently I might add), C222 if FINALLY called. I walk up get all my papers and I.D. out. I am told to read, HA! sure! put my forehead on padding, look into the light....and OH blurr....ARGH! I try my one eye trick where I close one eye and read the line...NOPE that doesn't work.....and you can guess what happened next DENIED!!!!! After two hours of waiting only to be told that I cannot get my license and I have to go to an optomotrist. FINE!!!!! I DROVE out of that parking lot, then proceeded to bawl my eyes out.
So to make a long story short, I went to the eye doctor, and yep! Guess I'm blind....I have to get glasses (which come in in about a week) but I am happy to report, I was able to get my license. I am no longer an illegal driver! HOORAY!


Jenn & Kiddos said...

You will look awesome in glasses. I'm glad you were able to get your license. My eyesight is going too- it is a weird thing. You get so used to not being able to see that it seems normal. Anyhoo- I'm proud of you for taking the plunge.

Emma said...

that's a shame. just think, if you lived closer to me i could have gotten you a killer deal on the exam and glasses... just one of the perks of knowing me.