Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Thats what you're all thinking, I'm sure! Sorry its been forever since I last made an entry. I've been trying to post pictures since Halloween, but I'm a computer dum dum. So you all will have to wait just a bit longer.
Still no word on the Movie yet. As far as I know, no one has heard back yet. But its getting close to rehearsal time, so if I dont' hear anything, will most likely mean I did not get hired.
Recently, I fractured my foot, it was on Halloween when I did it. I was doing this triple back flip into a triple pirouette, and landed incorrectly. So the doc put me in this sexy black boot, which I like to call the "Man Magnet". I just finished at the Orthopaedic last Friday, and I was SO nervous that he was going to tell me I needed surgery. BUT luckily, I dont' need surgery as of yet....He did say however, I will need to get it in the future. PHEW!!!!! dodged that bullet!
Now I am just working working working!!! Its been extremely busy with dance. Almost done with the Christmas recitals and working on competition routines and solos! I am also still planning on audition for SYTYCD....which reminds me, I need to see if they have audition dates yet....better get on that!
If any of you know of a boyfriend store...please let me know. I'd like to pick one up. So I've been dating a little, but nothing has worked out for me. Sure wish I could get a boyfriend. LAME!
lets see I think thats it for now. I will try to get those stupid pictures up soon!

Bye all!

1 comment:

Emma said...

Good to hear the Man Magnet is off and you don't have to have surgery for now!
As for the boyfriend store.. I'll keep my eyes out for ya! :)