Tuesday, October 30, 2007


It is true...I did buy "Backstreet Boys Greatest Hits" I do have to say that it is extremely fantastic..
For those of you that are laughing...and saying I can't stand boy bands....YOU LIE!!!
Lets face it people...Boy bands have some catchy tunes. And everyone likes at least one song or tune of a boy band.
You can't help but do a little head bobbing. Go ahead and listen to "Shape of my Heart" on my blog and tell me that is not catchy or the words are not good....come one people!!!! lets be honest....Ok ok sometimes the songs are pretty lame, but really what bands dont' have lame songs? We just need to face that we are all dorks and like a little bit of the boy band world!



Ok People!
So I guess its time to update my blog. I talked to my Cousin Courtney last night (LOVE YA GIRL!) and she reads my blog.....I just freaking love cousins and family! staying updated on me! (by the way Courtney.....don't forget to give me your myspace.)
Alright....lets see where to start...hmm...Oh yes..the Audition. Alright so I had my fourth little do-ditty. This time in front of the Director himself....He's Asian...I thought I'd throw that in because that kind of gives me a one up right? ....If you all didn't notice...I'm asian too. This time I had to say my awesome three lines with attitude...I got attitude fo-sho. Anyway, I haven't heard back from it, but I have heard they still liked my dancing skills, so when I hear I'll let you all know...For now it is waiting time.....
I went to a Halloween party this past weekend, it was a blast. I went with friends, Misty, Jim, and Chris. Probably one of the best times I had....I will post pics as soon as I get them up...
Just yesterday I went to my family Halloween Party. My pops dressed like a pirate, and you know what....he was unrecognizable. My nieces and Nephews didn't even know it was grandpa. It was a pretty sweet costume. When I get those pics i'll post those as well! Sorry, I've been lagging on the pictures, but sometimes my brain doesn't work so BACK OFF!!!!
I am still cleansing...I am on the liver cleanse now. This cleansing stuff freaking Rocks!!! I love it. I am feeling super great. My body feels great too! Love it...Next one will be for Kidneys HOO-RAY!!!!
Anyway, I think that is it for now...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What The......

Alright so the movie I auditioned for was American Mall. I did a dance audition. And I got a third call back....was it for dance...Oh No! they wanted me to read the script....uh....ok.....so I read the script, and I got a fourth call back....A FOURTH!!!! I am reading the script again tomorrow.....what is going on here. I just wanna dance!

Auditioning away.....

Monday, October 8, 2007


So it is Monday!
Hoo-Ray....maybe ha ha. So I went to an Audition for a Movie. I hopefully will only be dancing and not acting. I got a call back, which is a VERY good thing. We shall see what happens. If I get the gig.....FREAKING AWESOME. If not...then I be bummed for half a second and then move on with my already busy life. Dance is still going very busy, I'm trying to get everything done before the Christmas break.
Still doing my cleanse and LOVING it!!
You all should do a cleanse. Its probably one of the best things i've done! Hoo-RAY!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Ok So I thought I should probably update whats been going on in my life!
I am still cleansing....I think I have about 70 days left. I am freaking loving this cleanse! www.enuvia.com. Remember 30 days colon, 30 Days liver, and 30 days Kidney. I'm still doing the colon cleanse...It is AWESOME!!!! I am going to do another cleanse after this one too. I just love love love cleansing! Ok So that is that!
Dance is picking up rapidly. I've started some of my soloist. two of which are 6 & 7 years old. REALLY cute dancers! i'm starting another soloist next week and the week after that, my saturdays are jam packed with work. It kind of sucks....but oh well. Someones gotta pay the bills. I love dance, but it gets super busy! My weekends are starting to vanish. Ahh I knew this day was coming!
My September month was really wacky. I had a really terrible September. Everything was going wrong. I was really happy when October arrived. My October so far, has been so awesome. I've been at total peace with my mind and body. And nothing and I mean nothing has been bothering me. everything is going so good. Goodbye Crappy September and Hello Awesome October!!
Lets see did I forget anything...nope don't think so

Good bye