Thursday, April 10, 2008

And We're Back!

So I haven't blogged in a bit, so I thought I'd write something. Its been crazy busy with competition. A Couple weeks ago I went to St. George for competition, the weather was BEAUTIFUL. Its been so busy, with rehearsal going til 9:30 or 10pm every night. I was terribly ill last night probably due to all the runnign around and stress and not enough sleep, and not to mention some dancers have been ill lately. Probably got somethign from them too! But I will have you all know that I am feeling much better today, not fully recovered but close! Nothing new in my life, just work work work trying to pay the bills.

See Ya!


Jenn & Kiddos said...

glad you're feeling better. competition season really takes it out of you. hang in there & best wishes. I need to come and watch a recital or something and see your latest creations! cusoon

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