Tuesday, October 30, 2007


It is true...I did buy "Backstreet Boys Greatest Hits" I do have to say that it is extremely fantastic..
For those of you that are laughing...and saying I can't stand boy bands....YOU LIE!!!
Lets face it people...Boy bands have some catchy tunes. And everyone likes at least one song or tune of a boy band.
You can't help but do a little head bobbing. Go ahead and listen to "Shape of my Heart" on my blog and tell me that is not catchy or the words are not good....come one people!!!! lets be honest....Ok ok sometimes the songs are pretty lame, but really what bands dont' have lame songs? We just need to face that we are all dorks and like a little bit of the boy band world!


1 comment:

Jenn & Kiddos said...

Hey girl! Haven't heard from you in a while. What's up with you!! Did you get the movie part? Don't leave us hanging!!